Xenoblade Chronicles X REMAKE For Nintendo Switch?

HomeGamesXenoblade Chronicles X REMAKE For Nintendo Switch?
Xenoblade Chronicles X REMAKE For Nintendo Switch?
Xenoblade Chronicles X REMAKE For Nintendo Switch?
A recent rumor suggests that a once-exclusive Wii U title might be getting a fresh start with a remake on the Nintendo Switch 2, the anticipated successor to the current Switch rumored to launch this year. This speculation comes courtesy of Zippo, a notable figure in the Nintendo community known for their hit-or-miss track record with insider information. However, the specificity of this rumor lends it a certain credibility.

Zippo claims that Monolith Productions, the studio behind the Xenoblade Chronicles series, is working on a /”full remake/” of Xenoblade Chronicles X. Details about the project are scarce, with no information on when it might be revealed or released. Zippo notes that this remake is just one of many projects Monolith Productions has in the pipeline for the upcoming Nintendo console.

Zippo elaborates, /”Sources close to the matter have informed me that MonolithSoft is revisiting their underappreciated Wii U game, Xenoblade Chronicles X, for a full remake. This game, launched in 2015, unfortunately debuted during the Wii U’s decline, which led to many gamers missing it. I’ve heard it’s an exceptional title, notably being Nintendo’s first foray into open-world gaming, even predating Breath of the Wild. It seems Monolith is quite busy with several projects for Nintendo’s next console, and this remake is just a glimpse of what they’re working on./”

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