Vital Timeline Update for STARSEEDS

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Vital Timeline Update for STARSEEDS
Vital Timeline Update for STARSEEDS
Enter the Dragon Temple

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2024 completes a 12-year Timeline Capsule activation cycle which began in 2012. Many were part of the 2012 awakening cycle, which is stepping into a whole new timeline cycle this year. This is my timeline report on the 2012-2024 time capsule, and what it means for the STARSEED collective on Earth.

You are here to be part of an ancient Prophecy written at the dawn of Time. You’re here to play part in the return of Divine Order, and to re-ignite a sacred fire of Divine Love in the Heart of every human being… You’ve known this life time is Big… but the Depth of this Immaculate Prophecy is still vastly a mystery even to You… but this year Feels Different.

You are a living Time Capsule of God’s Plan to Reclaim the Earth. And this year, the capsules are breaking open and You are finally receiving the Green Light to become your Truest Self.

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