Timeline split – deep dive Q&A

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Timeline split - deep dive Q&A
Timeline split – deep dive Q&A
You are here to embody your divinity like nobody else can, my job is to guide you there. This is the sacred space where that level of work happens: The Plasma Light Tribe https://kerryk.com/join/ and you are invited to join. You will need to bring three things with you

1) your willingness to step outside of the limitations of where you’ve been
2) the desire to step into personal responsibility which means no more blaming, shaming and victimhood
3) the thrill you experience at the prospect of embodying your own divinity deeper than you could ever dare to imagine

Listen to my most recent meditations – https://kerryk.com/product/meet-your-future-self-part-1/ and https://kerryk.com/product/meet-your-future-self-part-2/ (please do not purchase if you are a plasma light tribe member, they’re free and already uploaded to your meditation library that contains 25 different meditations plus 120 replays of our live calls)

FREE guided meditation /”The Cosmic Kiss/” here: https://kerryk.com/signup-meditation

Donations: https://kerryk.com/#Donate
Social media:

instagram – iamkerryk
tiktok – iamkerryk
youtube – iamkerryk
facebook – iamkerryk

my website https://www.kerryk.com

With love
Kerry K

*IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or health care professional and no information that I share can be used in any way for medical advice. Please consult a health care professional for all your mental / physical health care needs.

#ascension​ #5D #spiritualwisdom #currentenergy #currentenergies #soul #higherconsciousness

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