They want to manifest you back in but can't figure out how

HomeBooksThey want to manifest you back in but can't figure out how
They want to manifest you back in but can't figure out how
They want to manifest you back in but can't figure out how
Extended reading:

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I love doing tarot readings for you! My readings are generally timeless … you’ll notice you come across them when they’re right for you. This is energy reading, with tarot to help with the messages, so there is no telling what may come out! If they resonate, please like, share, and subscribe!

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The Necessary Disclaimer—These tarot love readings are to be considered for entertainment purposes only and for those 18 and older. They are not meant for you to make important decisions from them, and they aren’t intended to provide legal, financial, or medical advice. Tarot readings do not impact anyone’s free will, and of course your tarot reader can’t be responsible for any actions you take after receiving a reading.

Tarot works best if you ask questions when you’re ready for the answers. Tarot readings are useful because the current energy can really help open you up to the possibilities, see things from another perspective, and help you to be as ready as possible to receive your blessings!

Videos created and owned exclusively by Silver Tears Tarot.
2023 Silver Tears Tarot. All Rights Reserved.

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