The Shepherd's Heart

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The Shepherd's Heart
The Shepherd's Heart
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have come to worship with us today. We want to be a congregation that prays for one another, and with one another. If there is a way that we can be praying specifically for you, we would love to know that. Please reach out to our church office via phone or email. Prayer is one of the ways that we practically show our love for one another. And as we come to the middle of Galatians 4 this week, we are going to be reminded of the love that existed between Paul and the Galatian churches. For the first three chapters, Paul has clearly shown his frustration and even exasperation over their defection from the gospel. Now, his tone changes. He approaches them as a spiritual father calling out to his wayward children. He pleads with them to remember the love that he showed for them, and they for him, from the very beginning of their relationship. But what does love between the apostle and the churches he planted look like? How does that overlap with our situation as a church? As families? As brothers and sisters in Christ?

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