The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10 – Discovering Their Identity & MAYBE What They're Talking About!

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The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10 – Discovering Their Identity & MAYBE What They're Talking About!
The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10 – Discovering Their Identity & MAYBE What They're Talking About!
If you study the Bible you will inevitably come to places where you scratch your head and say /”Whaaaaaat?/” Most of the time we simply read past those mysterious places and perhaps even question how important they might be if they are as weird and cryptic as they seem.

Revelation 10 and the Seven Thunders who speak there is one such place. I’ve read it and studied it and come away with a reaction similar to what I describe above. It’s an odd bit of scripture. We’re not told anything of the identity of the seven thunders, and are presented with nothing more than a bit of a tease as to what they actually say (John was gonna write it down for us, but was told not to).

As is often the case, the Bible itself provides answers and insights into such passages of strangeness – but knowing where to look for those answers is not often clear. A couple months ago I was led to a Psalm that seemed rather unassuming and not terribly prophetic. Shortly after digging into deeper study of it, however, the scales began to fall from my eyes as to the richly prophetic significance of it. I believe it provides some mind-blowing insights into the mystery of Revelation 10 and what or who the seven thunders are – as well as connecting MANY dots with the overarching prophetic story at large.

Join me for another deep dive – you won’t believe how rich this little Psalm is, nor the mysteries it may unveil!

If you are a believer in Jesus, this video is meant to encourage you! If you are not, it is offered in hopes that God will use it to bring you to a relationship with Jesus through belief in Him, and Him alone, as the source of salvation. The steps to becoming a follower of Christ are included in the video and below.

Salvation is ONLY found in Jesus Christ (John 4:6). It is the gift of God (and must be received as such – you CANNOT be good enough to earn it) (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Romans 3:23​​ and 6:23​​ tell us that ALL have sinned and that the wages of sin is death.

Romans 10:9-10 tell us that if we believe in Jesus in our heart and confess Him as Lord with our mouth, then we ARE saved.

Salvation is as simple as ABC:

A – Admit you’re a sinner in need of a savior (Rom. 3:23​​ and 6:23 ​​)

B –Believe that Jesus was crucified to pay the penalty for you sins (past, present and future), that He was buried and God raised Him on the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:2-4, John 3:16 and John 14:6)

C – Confess Him as Lord and Call on His name! (Romans 10:9-10)

PLEASE DO THIS TODAY, My Dear Friends! Time is so very short!

Take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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