The Many Hauntings of Teban Gardens. Could This Be Singapore's Most Haunted Estate?

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The Many Hauntings of Teban Gardens. Could This Be Singapore's Most Haunted Estate?
The Many Hauntings of Teban Gardens. Could This Be Singapore's Most Haunted Estate?
Shahira who grew up in Teban Gardens encountered so many strange encounters frequently that she thought it was normal part of life. It was only after she and her family moved out of Teban that they started exchanging stories.

Even her primary and secondary schools in Teban are haunted AF.

Shahira will be back with her confessions of her time working as a nurse.

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Eugene Tay is the host and author of the Supernatural Confessions series. He started this channel for others like him who are unfortunate enough to have had supernatural encounters to share their experiences.

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