The Farmers Daughter Inger Stevens

HomeTV ShowsThe Farmers Daughter Inger Stevens
The Farmers Daughter Inger Stevens
The Farmers Daughter Inger Stevens
Inger Stevens arrived in the USA from Sweden at 10 years of age. She is probably most known for her TV series The Farmers Daughter which ran from 1963 through 1966. See more of Inger in The Farmer’s Daughter by visiting the dentelTV1 channel at this link:
Visit William Windom’s web site:
Also, Jerry Lem is adding new Farmer’s Daughter pictures and other material to his web site:

Inger’s character in the show, Katy Holstrum, paralleled the real-life Inger in some ways: Inger and Katy were both Swedish, spoke their minds candidly and directly, and they were both interested in working with children. Where Katy asks Congressman Morley (William Windom, Commodore Decker to Trekkies) to help her go to the Congo to work with underprivileged children, the celebrity Inger Stevens took time from a very busy schedule to do volunteer work for retarded children. Inger enjoyed painting, and through art shows, raised money for charity. She could sing, play the piano and guitar.

I cannot know or understand the true circumstances of Inger’s death from 39 years afterward. Since we all die sooner or later from something, those circumstances are far less important than what Inger accomplished in barely more than 35 years. You were amazing Inger. We love you and miss you.

These clips were taken from the two-part premiere episode of The Farmers Daughter. Inger is Katy Holstrum, a role for which she won a Golden Globe award for Best Female Television Star of 1963. William Windom plays Congressman Morely, while Cathleen Nesbitt, as his mother, and Philip Coolidge, as the Congressman’s butler, add a classy decorum to the household. Sons Steven and Danny were played by Mickey Sholdar and Rory O’Brien respectively. Dee J. Thompson plays the vexatious hostess. Written by John McGreevey/Steven Gethers and Directed by Ralph Nelson/Don Taylor, this episode is titled /”The Speechmaker./” Due to time/length, I had to edit out an appearance by the very popular Betty Lynn – Thelma Lou of Andy Griffith fame – who also appears in this episode.

As with all the videos I post with Inger Stevens, the intent here is a Fair Use fan tribute and comment. It is intended as nostalgia for those of us who remember, and for informing those who are discovering the life and career of Inger Stevens. There is much to admire about her. Skol Inger!
Fans of Inger can now see her niece in the lead role of a new sci-fi web series. Visit the 20DollarShow channel on You Tube where Athena Ashburn and her husband Matthew have created this 21st Century TZ flavored series to compete with conventional TV via the Internet. View them on You Tube or on the web. Here is a link to /”Life Is Priceless./”

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