The Dark Crystal(1982) – The Skeksis Drain The Gelflings Of Their Essence

HomeMoviesThe Dark Crystal(1982) – The Skeksis Drain The Gelflings Of Their Essence
The Dark Crystal(1982) - The Skeksis Drain The Gelflings Of Their Essence
The Dark Crystal(1982) – The Skeksis Drain The Gelflings Of Their Essence
Jen (Stephen Garlick), raised by the noble race called the Mystics, has been told that he is the last survivor of his own race, the Gelflings. He sets out to try to find a shard of the dark crystal, a powerful gem that once provided balance to the universe. After the crystal was broken, the evil Skeksis used sinister means to gain control. Jen believes that he can repair the dark crystal and bring peace back to the world, if he can only find the remaining shard.(Google)

Produced by ITC Entertainment and The Jim Henson Company.
Distributed by Universal Pictures.

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