The Atheist Experience 28.18 with Jim Barrows and The Cross-Examiner

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The Atheist Experience 28.18 with Jim Barrows and The Cross-Examiner
The Atheist Experience 28.18 with Jim Barrows and The Cross-Examiner
00:00 Intro
13:20 Chidumeei-PA Telling Atheists They Are Not Morally Superior
26:18 Miguel-CO Transgender People In Sports
52:12 Brandon-CA Using Pronouns Embraces Trans Community
58:03 Dan-(CA) Believing In God For Comforting Grief
1:13:29 Chloe-MI USA Not A Christian Nation


Have an Atheist Experience with Jim Barrows and The Cross Examiner and work through the current challenging issues that both theists and atheists continue to sort through.

Chidumeei in PA asks how he is to tell atheists that they are not morally superior. How do you deal with Christians that think they are morally superior? You take it one step at a time like you do everything else. Many people go through the angry atheist stage, and sometimes this is frustration from learning the Bible is wrong and realizing people have been lied to. If you slow the conversation down, ask for definitions, and look for understanding, people will realize the conversation is more important than the finger pointing.

Miguel in CO asks about how society handles transgender people in sports. How does society reconcile the two established facts of transgenderism being real, and the hormonal treatment being good but not perfect? Sports matter more than we think it should, and solutions that we come up with for one sport may not work for another. Maybe early recognition of one being transgender will solve some of the issues. It would be insulting to all genders to just boil it down to not allowing men to compete with women. People do not on a whim just decide to change their gender. Be careful to weed out the lies such as “six year olds getting surgeries”.

Brandon in CA wants to know why we embrace the trans community by using pronouns. What problem do you have with inclusion? How has the use of pronouns just come out of nowhere? We are hoping to build a society where it does not matter where you are dropped in, and the bottom rung of the ladder keeps going up so that everybody is included. What skin do you lose by using pronouns?

Dan in Canada has just been through the loss of a service dog and wants to know if it is okay to be Catholic without proof of god. How do you feel about believing a story without evidence of your dog being in a better place? What is your community around you now like? You may consider calling The Secular Therapy Project for someone to talk with or Recovering from Religion. It is okay to go to a church; there are times when communities offer more benefits than risks. The thing to look forward to when you do not believe in a god, is the exciting prospect that the future is yours to make and do what you want.

Chloe in MI says that the USA is not a Christian nation even though she is a Christian and does not see the attitude of Jesus and putting other people first. How do we define what a true Christian is? What do you think people mean when they say it is a Christian nation? In addition to legal meanings that are wrong on many levels, it could mean that people who are white evangelicals feel like they are losing their power. How do we determine whose interpretation of the Bible is correct? Who has the proper insight to know what the Bible means? We agree the United States is not a Christian nation.

Thank you for tuning in this week! Prompt of the week is: How did god the father get out of paying child support?

Call the show on Sundays 4:30pm-6:00pm CT: 1-512-991-9242 or use your computer and tell us what you believe and why!

We request pronouns as part of the call screening process on our shows, and we display the pronouns our callers provide. If you see a caller with no pronouns indicated, this is because they chose not to provide us with any, and we respect that decision.

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