Scripture Dive: Acts Chapter Ten

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Scripture Dive: Acts Chapter Ten
Scripture Dive: Acts Chapter Ten
Join us as we dive into Acts Chapter 10! The narrative revolves around Cornelius, a Roman centurion, and the Apostle Peter. Cornelius, a devout man, receives a divine message through an angel instructing him to summon Peter. Simultaneously, Peter has a vision challenging traditional dietary laws, symbolizing a shift in God’s plan. As Cornelius’ messengers reach Peter, the Holy Spirit prompts him to go with them, breaking down the Jewish-Gentile divide. Peter preaches to Cornelius and his household, and as they listen, the Holy Spirit descends upon them, affirming that Gentiles too can partake in the gospel. This pivotal event marks the broader inclusion of non-Jews in the Christian community, emphasizing the universal reach of God’s message.

0:00 Intro
2:58 Acts 10:1-8
18:00 Acts 10:9-16
28:18 Acts 10:17-22
40:42 Acts 10:23-33
47:59 Acts 10:34-38
53:32 Acts 10:39-43
59:46 Acts 10:44-48
1:18:09 MVP Verses
1:24:56 Pronoun Breakdown
1:28:14 Notable Charting

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