Rehousing Funnel Webs , Curtain Webs , and the L fallax

HomePlays/MusicalsRehousing Funnel Webs , Curtain Webs , and the L fallax
Rehousing Funnel Webs , Curtain Webs , and the L fallax
Rehousing Funnel Webs , Curtain Webs , and the L fallax
Rehousing Funnel Webs , Curtain Webs , and the L fallax

Today we rehouse a group of different spiders and see how they react in different ways to the process, we watch for the signs the spiders give us which allow us to see what they will do next , we learn to speak their language .



Video by Dave’s Little Beasties don’t forget to subscribe – Be Calm, Be Gentle and Love Your Spider

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