quote from Wuthering Heights , Emily Brontë. #brontësisters #quotes #literarylegends

HomeBooksquote from Wuthering Heights , Emily Brontë. #brontësisters #quotes #literarylegends
quote from Wuthering Heights , Emily Brontë. #brontësisters #quotes #literarylegends
quote from Wuthering Heights , Emily Brontë. #brontësisters #quotes #literarylegends
Wuthering Heights is the only novel by the English author Emily Brontë, initially published in 1847 under her pen name /”Ellis Bell/”. It concerns two families of the landed gentry living on the West Yorkshire moors, the Earnshaw’s and the Linton’s, and their turbulent relationships with the Earnshaw’s foster son, Heathcliff ,and his love for Catherine.
The novel is influenced by Romanticism and Gothic fiction.

Wuthering Heights is one of the greatest novels ever written in English,
you must give it a read.
#wutheringheights #heathcliff #catherine #loveandwildhearts

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