MST3K-Broadcast Editions: 1001 Soultaker 4/11/1999

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MST3K-Broadcast Editions: 1001 Soultaker 4/11/1999
MST3K-Broadcast Editions: 1001 Soultaker 4/11/1999
From the original Sci Fi broadcast on April, 11 1999 Joe Estevez stars in a movie about a soul repo man obsessed one of his targets a young woman who is a dead ringer for his long lost love. Meanwhile up in space After 10 years The Satellite of Love is Malfunctioning and someone needs to save Mike Nelson and his robot friends bringing about the return of Joel Robinson (Joel Hodgson). Down on earth TV’s Frank (Frank Conniff) now employed as a Soultaker himself visits Pearl at Castle Forrester.

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