Modern Mystics and Ancient Shamans: DNA/Serpent Mythology/Zen/Gnosis

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Modern Mystics and Ancient Shamans: DNA/Serpent Mythology/Zen/Gnosis
Modern Mystics and Ancient Shamans: DNA/Serpent Mythology/Zen/Gnosis
There are those who see clear as day through the myriad pitfalls of mankind and it’s parasitical nature. What did they understand that we do not? Is it possible to see through the eyes of the masters who discretely shaped the world around us?
… I would like to experience the world(s) beyond the Cube …
The outer elements of dualistic life can scatter our alignment to source by many degrees. If there is a secret, hidden somewhere, that would liberate us from the world of circus that we are born into, there is only one place best to keep it safe from the corrupt.
Let’s look within… I see there is a code.
And I think eye know how to translate it.

Now Available; Mug of the Untold

Music by: Void Stares Back

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