Malaysia joins Yemen in sanctioning Israel!

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Malaysia joins Yemen in sanctioning Israel!
Malaysia joins Yemen in sanctioning Israel!
Malaysia has imposed with immediate effect shipping ‘sanctions’ on Israel, following on from Yemen until the siege of Gaza is over.
Right, so following on from the Houthis in Yemen effectively implementing sanctions against Israel by blockading the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait to all Israeli shipping traffic, triggering Western countries not to put pressure on Israel to stop bombing Gaza as Yemen is demanding, but instead puts together a cabal of empathy deficient, morally stunted nations to defend Israeli shipping, with Yemen effectively saying to them bring it on, but another country has imposed it’s own sanctions too against Israel for their indiscriminate bombing of Gaza and the killing of so many civilians. It is a twisted irony, that at this time of year, when many of us will be celebrating the birth of a baby, in the Middle East, our leaders, or many of them in the West are going above and beyond to protect a country that has so far killed 10,000 innocent children as if that is the right and just thing to do.
Well Malaysia might not be in the same part of the world and it’s actions might be viewed as somewhat symbolic, but it is at least coming down on the right side of common sense, and once more the effectiveness of sanctions as a way to leverage nations into better behaviour becomes abundantly apparent.
Right, so those brave Houthis, they do not give a s**t what threats are coming from Western nations, Biden threatening to hit them with missiles as they cause chaos in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, because they can, the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait in the south of the Red Sea, which leads up to the Suez Canal in the north is right on their coastline, this 16 mile at it’s narrowest stretch of water which carries 12% of the worlds shipping. This is causing a great deal of hilarity amongst those who have been observing the Houthis tactics, which chiefly involve drone strikes and harassing ships with speedboats, 4 of them notably able to hold up a US aircraft carrier, so now the US going in with missiles to take on the drones seems like overkill but when you consider the drones used are nothing special, just a few thousand dollars, and the US naval missiles come in at 2.1m each, those are some very expensive drones for the US to take potshots at and they’re easily replaceable!
If the West are entering the fray to save Israeli import and exports are the lions of this picture, the Houthis I suppose are analagous to the Honey Badger not give a damn and biting the lions collective nuts off.
Anyway, this isn’t a vid on the Yemeni’s I did that one yesterday, this is about Malaysia, who have now imposed their own sanctions on Israel.
Malaysia is another Muslim majority country, showing solidarity with another in Palestine and Malysia has been a vocal supporter of Palestine globally where we in the West, unless it’s a story spoken in a pro Israel narrative don’t warrant anything like the same mention. That worm has well and truly turned in recent weeks though.
Malaysia also, notably, do not maintain diplomatic relationships with Israel, yet do with Palestine.

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