Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – Madness and Reaction

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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - Madness and Reaction
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – Madness and Reaction
I know a lot of people wanted to hear a reaction to KCD2 being officially announced and I decided to make a short video.

Honestly there is not enough told about the game currently for me to be like /”This right here is amazing!/”

Honestly, it currently looks like an upgraded KCD. Little better graphics, a much bigger map, bigger city, bigger stakes, and the continuation to the story.

Really, I can’t wait to play it. The first game was amazing, and if they’re building on top of that already and keeping their great writing and key to details throughout the story, then well this is a must play sort of deal.

But if you were not quenched for your thirst for more KCD knowledge, check out these interviews or thread below, they do a great job interviewing Warhorse about the upcoming game.

If you want me to go on a rant about things to add in the game or what I would like to see or remove let me know. Those type of videos are a bit more difficult for me to wrap my brain around but it would be good practice, so let me know if you want me to spill out some madness!

English Interview on youtube that was pretty good check out for further details about KCD2 in depth: @KnightsArcade

Reddit thread: If you want the quick and dirty list of what was talked about during the interview:

Here is the interview from @gamestartalk Its in German, but good if you understand:

Take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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