"Journey to the parking lot: interesting adventures , Shaheen, and Fatemeh, Ashairi"

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"Journey to the parking lot: interesting adventures , Shaheen, and Fatemeh, Ashairi"
"Journey to the parking lot: interesting adventures , Shaheen, and Fatemeh, Ashairi"
In this video, Sarajan Farzaneh is depicted leaving the house and reaching the parking lot.

They see some kittens in the parking lot and decide to clean it up and feed the kittens. They find permanence in this place and by doing these things, they show that solidarity and caring for other beings is important to them.

At the same time, Shahin, who is alone without the presence of Sarajan and Farzaneh, cooks and prepares food by himself and seeks to find Fatima to find her as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Fatima lives in a nomadic tent next to a nomadic village and works hard for her children. He fetches water from the spring and travels a long distance to seek the well-being and happiness of his children.

This story is full of emotions, fascinating adventures and attempts to maintain solidarity and love among a nomadic family.

This title is very attractive and comprehensive. This title can draw the audience’s attention to a story full of excitement and interesting events in which the characters of Sarajan, Farzaneh, Shaheen and Fatemeh play a role. This title represents an adventurous and exciting journey to the world of these characters and can increase the audience’s attraction and interaction with the story.









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