Jonah Hex Origins – DC's Scarred And Brutal Cowboy's Life Of Betrayal And Sorrow – Explored

HomeMoviesJonah Hex Origins – DC's Scarred And Brutal Cowboy's Life Of Betrayal And Sorrow – Explored
Jonah Hex Origins - DC's Scarred And Brutal Cowboy's Life Of Betrayal And Sorrow - Explored
Jonah Hex Origins – DC's Scarred And Brutal Cowboy's Life Of Betrayal And Sorrow – Explored
If you love DC but are a bit tired of the flashy supernatural stuff, Jonah Hex is the answer. If you’re someone who is trying to get into the world of DC but are not very well-versed with its superhuman elements, Jonah Hex is the answer. If you’re someone who is a fan of gritty storytelling, Jonah Hex is the answer.
He was born in the 1800s, 1838 to be precise. He was abandoned by his mother 10 years later in 1848. He was sold as a slave to the Apache tribe in 1851. He finds himself at a crossroads after being betrayed by his adoptive brother Noh-Tante in 1854. His to-be wife Cassie is killed in 1859. He underwent severe traumatic experiences in the US Army in 1863. He was branded with the Mark of the Demon in 1866. His wife Mei-Ling left him with their son Jason in 1876. He lost his biological mother in 1880. His stuffed corpse was found in 1987 and he became a member of the Black Lantern Corps in 2010.
The more you analyze his character and learn about him, you see how painful a life he has led. Heroes have a sad beginning but anti-heroes often have it sadder. In the movie, he was made to watch his house burn while his wife and son were inside.
With a horrible scar adorning the right side of his face, Jonah is cynical in nature and does not have the best reputation. But, his personal code of honor is unwavering and having faced several instances of pain in his life, he is dedicated to protecting and avenging innocent people. And that is why we love him so much.

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