Jane Hamon: Prodigals Returning to God’s Presence & Purpose (Isaiah 49:25)

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Jane Hamon: Prodigals Returning to God’s Presence & Purpose (Isaiah 49:25)
Jane Hamon: Prodigals Returning to God’s Presence & Purpose (Isaiah 49:25)
Jane Hamon: Prodigals Returning to God’s Presence & Purpose (Isaiah 49:25)
Jane spoke at Fresh Start Church in Peoria, AZ, on 6/5/2022. Quotes: “God is saying, “I’m going to draw in the prodigals that have been prodigals from my presence.” God’s going to begin to bombard them with spiritual dreams. Dreams of visitation, dreams of outpouring, dreams that God’s going to encounter them. God’s going to begin to arrest them in the middle of their day, and draw them back into His presence. He’s also going to bring back people that have been prodigals from his purpose.”

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Last year, the Lord spoke to me and He said, /”Not only am I going to bring back the prodigals who are out in the world, prodigals out in sin./” But He said, /”I’m also going to bring back the prodigals who have been prodigals from my presence./” These are people that say, “I love Jesus,” but they’re just not in the house anymore; they’ve disconnected from the body.

Isaiah 49:25 says, “Indeed, this is what the LORD says: “Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the plunder of the tyrant will be retrieved; I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.”

Some of your sons and daughters are out there. They think they’re smarter than you; think they’re smarter than God. God is saying, “I’m going to draw in the prodigals that have been prodigals from my presence.” God’s going to begin to bombard them with spiritual dreams. Dreams of visitation, dreams of outpouring, dreams that God’s going to encounter them. God’s going to begin to arrest them in the middle of their day, and draw them back into His presence.

He’s also going to bring back people that have been prodigals from his purpose. You had a dream. He had a purpose. COVID happened. Life happened. You went through a divorce. You had a death in the family. Something happened that disrupted you. You’ve become prodigal from God’s presence, and from His purpose. We thank you, God that you’re sending angels down in Jesus name’. Pour out your Spirit in Jesus’ name.

Turn in your Bible to Acts 1:8. We are in the year 2022, but we’re also in the Hebraic year 5782.
How many of you track the Hebrew year? Anybody here track the Hebrew year? When we came into this year last year at Rosh Hashanah in September, I was praying one night, and the Lord said, /”I want you to look this number up, 5782 in the Strong’s Concordance./”

The Lord told me, /”Go look that number up in the Hebrew./” When I looked it up, it is this word, “ur,” Say it with me. Ur, sounds like a lion roaring. It means to open up the eyes, so you can see. And it means to awaken. The very Hebrew year means to awaken. It is the place that we find in scripture when it says, /”Awake, awake, Deborah./” Awake, awake, Oh mighty man.

God is saying, this is the year for awakening. Awakening to the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Awakening to the gifts of God that are in you. Awakening to the spiritual warfare that’s all around it. And awakening to the victory that’s already been purchased for us when Jesus died on the cross. It is a time of having our eyes open. When you go on and you look up another meaning of that word, it actually means to raise up your sword. So, it’s not just for the purpose of seeing, it’s for the purpose of seeing the mighty hand of God come down and bring breakthrough, bring victory, and bring triumph in every area of our lives. 5782. 2 years ago, though, when we entered the 5780s, we looked at those last two numbers, the 80s. And it is a Hebrew word, peh. P-E-H, peh. Say peh with me, peh. So 5780, the 80 is peh. And peh in Hebrew, very interesting word that I think you’re going to love. It means mouth, voice, and sound. And I’m telling you, I go to a lot of churches. This place is amazing.

This is your time. It’s a time of awakening, and it’s a time of the voice. It’s a time of sound. It’s a time of declaration. It’s a time of breakthrough, it’s a time of victory, and taking land, and then driving out the ice, and possessing the land, occupying ’til He comes. And seeing victory in every area. How many believe that’s a word for you personally? And so, right at the beginning of the 5780s, knowing this, I woke up one morning, and I heard the Lord speak to me. And it did sound a little bit like a trumpet. So interesting, Revelations 1 is the only time that that’s ever happened to me like that. But Revelations 1, when John was caught up into heaven, and he had this whole revelation, hence, the name of the book, Revelation. Okay, He said, /”I heard as it were a trumpet speaking with me./”

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