Hogwarts Legacy Anthony Joins Sebastian's Secret fight club & Incendio

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Hogwarts Legacy Anthony Joins Sebastian's Secret fight club & Incendio
Hogwarts Legacy Anthony Joins Sebastian's Secret fight club & Incendio
Part 8 Happy New Years
Anthony was never one for rules and conformity. He always felt like there was something missing in his life, like he was meant to do more than just sit in classes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That all changed one day when he stumbled upon a flyer for Sebastion’s Secret Fight Club.

Intrigued by the promise of adventure and excitement, Anthony made his way to the secret location mentioned on the flyer. As he walked down the dimly lit corridor, he could hear the sounds of cheering and loud voices coming from a nearby room.

Pushing open the door, Anthony found himself in a room filled with students from all houses, watching as two wizards fought in a magical duel. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and the sound of spells being cast.

Sebastion, the organizer of the club, noticed the new arrival and approached him. ‘What’s your name, kid?’ he asked with a sly grin.

‘Anthony,’ he replied, his eyes wide with excitement.

‘Welcome to the club, Anthony. You ready to learn some new spells and prove your worth in the arena?’ Sebastion asked, gesturing to the dueling wizards.

Without hesitation, Anthony nodded. He knew that this was exactly what he had been missing in his life.

Sebastion led him to a corner of the room where a group of students were practicing their spells. He handed Anthony a wand and gestured for him to join in.

Anthony watched as the other students cast spells with ease, their movements fluid and precise. He felt a little intimidated, but he was determined to learn.

‘Alright, let’s start with something simple. Incendio,’ Sebastion said, demonstrating the spell.

Anthony watched closely and tried to replicate the spell. After a few attempts, he finally produced a small flame at the tip of his wand. The feeling of power and adrenaline rushed through him, fueling his desire to learn more.

As the weeks went by, Anthony became a regular at the fight club. He trained with his fellow members, learning new spells and perfecting his technique. Sebastion became a mentor to him, teaching him everything he knew about magic and dueling.

And as Anthony’s skills improved, so did his reputation. He quickly climbed the ranks in the fight club and soon became one of their best fighters.

But it wasn’t just the thrill of the duels that kept Anthony coming back. It was the sense of camaraderie and belonging that he found among the members of the club. For the first time in his life, he felt like he truly belonged somewhere.

One day, during a particularly intense duel, Anthony found himself facing off against his friend and fellow member, Alex.

With each spell they cast, the intensity of their fight grew. Fire and ice clashed in the air, sparks flying as they both tried to outdo each other. But in the end, it was Anthony who emerged victorious, casting a powerful Incendio spell that left Alex stunned.

As the fire died down, Anthony realized that he had truly mastered the spell. He couldn’t help but feel proud of how far he had come in such a short time.

From that moment on, Incendio became his signature spell in the fight club, earning him the nickname ‘The Firestarter.’

But more importantly, the fight club had become Anthony’s second family. Through the thrill of their battles and the bonds they had formed, he had found a sense of purpose and belonging that he never thought possible.

And as he stood in the arena, surrounded by his fellow club members, casting flames and spells of his own, Anthony knew that he had found his true home at Sebastion’s Secret Fight Club.

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