Gulliver's Travels All 4 Books Summary in English

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Gulliver's Travels All 4 Books Summary in English
Gulliver's Travels All 4 Books Summary in English
Famous for his merciless satire and disdain for religious and political hypocrisy, Johnathan Swift, wrote Gulliver’s travels to poke fun at the made-up customs of the political elite, their occasional disastrous decisions, and their self-aggrandizing manners when encountering the average person or their insecurity and vindictiveness when dealing with people of higher intellect and better intentions. In his book, Swift mocks the close-mindedness of the elite in every echelon of society and, ridicules their made-up traditions and ceremonies. In its heart, Gulliver’s travels is an essay on the vices that haunt everyone and the ultimate criticism of the wicked behaviors and irredeemable acts that lower humanity to a level beneath animals. In the author’s view, no matter how great the potential, if one does not live up to it and gives way to selfishness and immorality, in the eye of wisdom he could be lower than a harmless animal or a plant. With the help of his friend, Alexander Pope, Swift who by that time had created many enemies among the highest levels of the English Monarchy, published Gulliver’s Travels or Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts, by Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships, in 1726. The book became extremely popular and captivated the imagination of the entire British Isles. One year later, it was translated into German, French, and Dutch, spreading its fame even more. The main themes of Gulliver’s Travels are Truth, Deception, Hypocrisy, Human nature, Government, Power, Knowledge, and Society.
#Gulliver’stravels #Summary #Lilliput #Literature #Reading #books #storytelling #Fantasy #Bookworm #Gulliver #English #Johnathan Swift #Authors

0:00 Introduction
0:01:51 Book I A Voyage to Lilliput
0:21:10 Book II A Voyage to Brobdingnag
0:28:55 Book III A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubrib, Luggnagg and Japan
0:36:54 Book IV A Voyage to the country of Houynhnmm


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