Dewdrops of Infinity: Psychic Abilities & Psychedelics: Telepathy, Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance 2/3

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Dewdrops of Infinity: Psychic Abilities & Psychedelics: Telepathy, Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance 2/3
Dewdrops of Infinity: Psychic Abilities & Psychedelics: Telepathy, Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance 2/3
This is Video 2 in a series of three videos. Created by Sean McNamara of, based on his most recent book /”Dewdrops of Infinity./”

To order /”Dewdrops of Infinity/” from your country’s Amazon site, visit

Link to watch the first video of the series:

Link to watch the third (final) video of the series:

These videos are concerned with the question of whether psychedelics such as psilocybin, amanita muscaria, LSA, LSD, and DMT can improve psychic functioning. They feature recordings of Sean McNamara doing ESP tests of telepathy and clairvoyance, including remote viewing. This is a unique presentation in that nothing like it has been produced and made publicly available since the 1961 episode of One Step Beyond titled /”The Sacred Mushroom/” with Andrija Puharich and John Newland, which you can watch here:

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