De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals

HomeMoviesDe-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals
De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals
De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals
China is reducing its holdings of US Treasury securities. Instead, the People’s Bank of China is buying gold, and Beijing prioritizes imports of important commodities like oil and metals. Ben Norton discusses the geopolitical impact of de-dollarization in the world’s largest economy.

Check out our related video – /”How the dollar’s ‘exorbitant privilege’ enriches the USA (and global elites)/”:

0:00 Why countries are de-dollarizing
1:05 Russia & China
1:41 Brazil & China
2:18 Persian Gulf oil & gas
3:29 Central bank FX reserves
4:54 China drops US Treasurys
6:15 Debate in Beijing
8:40 Gold
9:37 Charts: China buys metals & oil
11:21 Strategic petroleum reserve
11:53 Belt & Road Initiative
12:50 East Asia funds US deficits
14:25 Global South funds Global North
15:25 Japan replaces China as top US creditor
16:03 US inflation, interest rates, bond yields, & debt
18:48 Outro

Geopolitical Economy Report

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