Chuck Pierce: Spiritual Portal for National Restoration (Jeremiah 30:17)

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Chuck Pierce: Spiritual Portal for National Restoration (Jeremiah 30:17)
Chuck Pierce: Spiritual Portal for National Restoration (Jeremiah 30:17)
Chuck Pierce: Spiritual Portal for National Restoration (Jeremiah 30:17)
Chuck speaks at Awake Scranton, Scranton, PA on 8/04/23

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Now there’s just a couple more things I want,
and then I’ll teach more.
But you know, tonight God is doing something
because you’re here.
And at the end of April, the Lord told me,
/”I want you to get outside of America and look back at it./”
And so I thought, you know, I don’t want to go to Mexico.
It’s too much craziness down there right now.
Canada you know, it’s… I love it, but…
And so I thought, well, you know,
it’s only about an hour and a half to the Bahamas.
And listen guys, you know, look at me.
I don’t do sun very well.
And I knew I was supposed to go there and pray for two days.
I knew we had people there,
but I just knew I was supposed to pray.
And the second day I was there,
the Lord fell on me for America.
Now I just sent this out.
I’ve gone over it with several of the people
that I run with, and Dutch Sheets,
and we’ve had several meetings on it.
And gave me direction what to do
starting after Feast of Tabernacles in September
where we would address every state,
where everybody in the state
could join with us, virtually first.
Then we would have some regional
gatherings next year
to gather the remnant
and the army that God’s raising up for this hour.
And some way, why I think the Lord fell on me
when I got here, because He said to me,
/”I am going to raise up a remnant group
that has never been raised up before./”
And when we… I love it.
Somebody’s liking it, I’m telling you.
And when worship started, it was as if He said,
/”See? They began here./”
Now this meeting represents to me the beginning
of the next move of God in this nation.
Not a move that’s coming.
And then, looking at some of the history of Scranton,
why would all the presidents come here?
God knows. Why would our president be from here?
God knows.
There is not just an incredible root
that’s coming alive here.
Why would the rebellion against the Catholic church
be so strong here?
Against religion but never breaking out of religion?
See, all of a sudden you begin to see why Scranton…
God sees Scranton, and He says,
/”When I transform Scranton,
you watch a nation get transformed./”
Now, let me show you one picture.
I want to show you what it looks like,
because I have learned through all the years of travel
and being in places, that usually when God chooses a place,
it’s been a stronghold for the enemy.
And then, He flips it to become a portal for heaven.
And Aaron show that veil, first of all.
See what happens when Satan rules is
through all those iniquities
that have gone on through the years,
and I think one of the worst iniquity that we have,
that we never really talk about
is how we grieve Holy Spirit in moving.
And what all those iniquities do, they go into the ground
and they form thrones where the atmosphere are controlled
by the iniquitous worship that has occurred.
And what happens over a territory when that happens is
it covers, it’s like it’s covered with a,
the Bible actually says it like this,
that /”he covered using wealth and sound,/”
Satan, in Ezekiel 28, he talks about that,
and it forms this veil of a cult
that holds back the perfect purpose.
But starting 13 months ago,
all of a sudden when God says /”Scranton,/”
all of a sudden something started happening in Pennsylvania.
The bloodshed against our first people
started getting reconciled in a new way.
The covenant breaking that has gone on in the church
started getting rectified in a new way.
All of a sudden, this veil of the atmosphere
started disintegrating, and it actually now begins
to form like this.
Go ahead, Aaron, with the next one.
See, all of a sudden this portal
begins to surround the territory,
and see, God said, and He had said,
/”without Pennsylvania restoring its root of freedom
and the root of freedom that I had planned for America,
that is so deep and so encrusted
by the enemy that dwells in Pennsylvania./”
Without that happening, the Lord has said that once,
that /”America could never come back into its total freedom./”
And then for Him to say,
/”Until they begin to gather in Scranton,
America will not see revival./”

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