Channeled New Moon Guided MEDITATION/ACTIVATIONS with Heather and Adam

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Channeled New Moon Guided MEDITATION/ACTIVATIONS with Heather and Adam
Channeled New Moon Guided MEDITATION/ACTIVATIONS with Heather and Adam
Join us for powerful New Moon in Taurus channeled guided Meditations, Activations Channeling for ascension, energy healing, DNA activations and clearing/shadow integration work activations on this Taurus New Moon with The Archangels, the Master Teachers and Master Healers on this special and powerful new moon for healing, grounding and resetting.

This is FREQUENCY CHANNELING…VERY RARE AND POWERFUL!!! Allow us to activate your frequencies to shift into higher dimensional reality during this unique and opportunistic time as we herald in The Year of the Wood Dragon.

Starseeds, empaths, lightworkers and spiritually awakening people, this is YOUR time! Heather will do powerful Healing Activations for us and Adam will do activations with The Master Teachers to open and balance the Heart, to reset the nervous system for higher frequencies and DNA activation. This is a golden opportunity to return to that place that created everything to heal all trauma, all dis-ease as well as to consciously manifest our realities from the field that created ALL reality through our special activations. This work will help you discover your multidimensional self and help you connect with your higher self, your spirit guides, ascended masters, extraterrestrial guides, the Angels/Archangels and of course SPIRIT!

HEATHER is a New-Earth Leader, Energy Healer and teacher who is currently assisting the advanced and spiritual children who are destined to shape the New Earth. Check out her other healing transmissions here:

TRANSMISSIONS. these are the 5 crucial things to know about this new 29 day lunar cycle as well as the exercises that will best support this work. Watch here:

HERE’S A POWERFUL DNA ACTIVATION with /”The Master Teachers/” tailor made for the 12/12 and New Moon portal:

Here’s your complete Spring/Summer 2024 Channeled forecast:

For more info on our services and products log onto our website here:

Contact Heather here: [email protected],

Take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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