Brothers REACT to RUSH: 2112 (Live 1976, 16 Minute Version)

HomeMoviesBrothers REACT to RUSH: 2112 (Live 1976, 16 Minute Version)
Brothers REACT to RUSH: 2112 (Live 1976, 16 Minute Version)
Brothers REACT to RUSH: 2112 (Live 1976, 16 Minute Version)
/”2112/” is a remarkable piece by the Canadian progressive rock band Rush, released in 1976 as the title track of their album /”2112./” This composition is a suite consisting of seven parts and lasts over 20 minutes. It’s a conceptual piece, telling the story of a dystopian future society where individuality and creativity are suppressed by a powerful ruling order called the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx.

The protagonist discovers a guitar in a cave, an instrument that’s been banned, and upon learning how to play it, he presents his discovery to the priests, hoping to share his newfound art. However, the priests reject it, condemning his deviation from their controlled way of life. Ultimately, the protagonist takes his own life in protest, believing in the value of individual expression.

Musically, /”2112/” showcases Rush’s virtuosity and versatility. The song features complex instrumental passages, shifting time signatures, intricate guitar work by Alex Lifeson, powerful drumming by Neil Peart, and Geddy Lee’s distinct vocals and basslines.

/”2112/” was a turning point for Rush, solidifying their place in progressive rock history. It’s revered by fans and critics alike for its storytelling, musicianship, and thematic depth, marking a significant milestone in the band’s career.

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