Broken Weave review – D&D 5e supplement for apocalyptic tragic fantasy

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Broken Weave review - D&D 5e supplement for apocalyptic tragic fantasy
Broken Weave review – D&D 5e supplement for apocalyptic tragic fantasy
Broken Weave, a 5th edition supplement by @Cubicle7Entertainment is a toolkit for DMs interested in turning their D&D games into tragic and contemplative stories in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, where the gods are dead and magic imploded. After the end of the world, survivors were left fighting for their lives against the ever-present threat of Decay – a living entropic force which corrupts everything it touches – including the player characters! – and slowly turn them into nightmarish abominations.

It’s a very interesting supplement, and an even more interesting reading that I can wholeheartedly recommend. If this review sounded interesting, stay tuned next week for an interview/chat with Emmet Byrne, one of the designers and creative director behind this supplement. Link to the interview soon!

My homebrewed version of this apocalypse setting:


#DnD #5e #DungeonsAndDragons

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