"Blue Sky, End of the World?!?!" Walking 2 Maui Fire 8/8 @kevin__foley 4 more on fire.

HomeBooks"Blue Sky, End of the World?!?!" Walking 2 Maui Fire 8/8 @kevin__foley 4 more on fire.
"Blue Sky, End of the World?!?!" Walking 2 Maui Fire 8/8 @kevin__foley 4 more on fire.
"Blue Sky, End of the World?!?!" Walking 2 Maui Fire 8/8 @kevin__foley 4 more on fire.
There was up to 😯 mph wind gusts that blew over many power lines and the poles that supported them. This is why various roads were blocked off because as you can see in this video, giant power lines are taking up the entire road. In my humble opinion maybe the local officials should’ve cared less about money and their pockets and just got a bunch of chainsaws and hacked these poles to pieces, clearing the way for people to get out of town quicker. Instead citizens were directed onto Front Street to evacuate, which if you know Lahaina, then you know that is the slowest road in Maui. And if you have followed this story close you know that many were burnt alive in their cars because they were stuck in traffic. Others were forced out of their cars and into the ocean to escape the flames. Sadly many drowned while trying to wait out this crazy fire.

I believe we as humans need to do a better job in general for planning for disasters, like this one. I mean these 80 mph wind gusts were insane, literally blowing me over and off of my bike. They sent burning embers flying miles away on this fateful day. Spreading the fire so quickly, it resulted in unprecedented devastation on Maui. And it was the deadliest US wildfire in the last 100 years.
#lahainastrong #mauistrong #mauifire #crazy #wildfire #fire #Maui #trump #donaldtrump #biden #joebiden #lahaina #devastation

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