Ancestral Release Activation with The Angel Raphael

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Ancestral Release Activation with The Angel Raphael
Ancestral Release Activation with The Angel Raphael
This week’s Free Ask an Angel Call begins with an announcement about a big activation on the winter solstice, December 21, at 11am EDT (New York Time) emphasizing its significance. Kelly then talks about working with Andara crystals, which she resonates with now and how they may call certain individuals. She recalls a powerful activation during the summer solstice involving an egg and anticipates a similarly impactful event in the winter solstice activation.

She discusses the perception of humans as orbs from other dimensions, focusing on energy rather than physical attributes. This leads into a discussion about how other beings and objects, like rocks or crystals, are perceived differently in other dimensions, having their own experiences and energies.

This call also discusses the connections to galactic energies and other civilizations, mentioning how these influences are helping in the ascension process through DNA activation. She emphasizes the universal access to these energies and their role in aiding human evolution.

The discussion moves to practical aspects, like the availability of Oracle Decks on 12/12 and logistics for the upcoming solstice activation. She talks about different roles people might feel called to play during this event, like being near elements such as water or fire, and encourages participation in a global energetic grid.

Following this, she channels a being named Raphael, discussing the plasmic energy descending on Earth and its manifestation in various forms. Raphael speaks about the awakening of memories and the role of children born with new frequencies in this process. The guide and Raphael delve into the importance of connecting with one’s ancestors and the ancestral lineage, leading to a guided meditation for deeper understanding and healing.

The session concludes with Kelly expressing her physical reactions to the energy and reminding participants about upcoming events and the importance of integrating the experiences from the session.

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