A Message From a Divine Master (If you're seeing this, it's meant for you)

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A Message From a Divine Master (If you're seeing this, it's meant for you)
A Message From a Divine Master (If you're seeing this, it's meant for you)
‍️Join my meditation & spiritual school: https://www.skool.com/inner-journey-community-4626/about

Free E-book: a short but detailed write-up of my out-of-body experience: https://bensmithreal.com/b/109G4

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bensmithreal_/

Ps, this teaching was directed to a beautiful friend of mine. He was taught by the same master as me. His book is below:

Book recommendation: The Final Great Path, East: https://amzn.to/3S2Y7D

Take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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