422. How a difficult childhood developed a passion for cities – Mustafa Sherif

HomeBooks422. How a difficult childhood developed a passion for cities – Mustafa Sherif
422. How a difficult childhood developed a passion for cities - Mustafa Sherif
422. How a difficult childhood developed a passion for cities – Mustafa Sherif
After many requests from listeners, I am sharing some parts of my story. In this episode you will hear about me, my childhood, and how I was moving from one city to another because of war. Moreover, how did this develop a passion in me for making cities for people?

This is the first episode of the new season (4th) of the Urbanistica podcast. Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ️️

You can also listen to the episode 99. EN. Dream City – Mustafa Sherif. There I talk about my top favorite cities.

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