マスターモスキートン Master of Mosquiton Episode 02【1996 】

HomeAnime/Mangaマスターモスキートン Master of Mosquiton Episode 02【1996 】
マスターモスキートン Master of Mosquiton Episode 02【1996 】
マスターモスキートン Master of Mosquiton Episode 02【1996 】
In 1920, an era full of adventure and endless possibilities, an ancient cemetery was awakened by a sneaky figure: the black shadow model reached a coffin, lifted the cover, scratched his index finger, and blood dripped to sleep for many years. On the corpse…. In the ancient past, Moseidon signed a blood contract with his beloved witch. This contract has been continued from generation to generation, and now is the time to fulfill it again! The dark shadow is the offspring of the witch: Naho, she awakens the vampire Moseidon, who is mixed with humans, because the witch has to find the o-Part (the legendary gem that can make the witch family immortal) and call them together. Servant: Moskiton. Now that Mosquiton was called by the Naho of this era, the four of them began a journey to find o-Parts everywhere. Although Mosquiton didn’t mean it in his heart, but because of the ancient vows, the witch in front of them is exactly like the previous witch.Naho, he had no choice but to accommodate her endless desires. In fact, whenever Mosketon was awakened by the descendants of the witch family, the red-haired woman in front of him, her face, and the pendant on her ears were all copies of his former lovers. Therefore, he did not leave them. Beside him… Naho is a curious, adventurous, and greedy teenage girl. She has read the records of her ancestors and knows that o-Parts can make herself permanent youth. However, after countless failed journeys to find o-Parts, even greater trouble came: her love rival appeared, a woman who was also a vampire. Can Naho find o-Parts as expected? Live forever with Moseidon?

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